
Daolang Huang

"Amortize everything..."


Daolang is a doctoral student co-supervised by Samuel Kaski (Aalto University) and Luigi Acerbi (University of Helsinki) since July 2022, affiliated with the Probabilistic Machine Learning group at Aalto University and the Machine and Human Intelligence group at the University of Helsinki. He is fully funded by Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI). He received his master’s degree at Aalto University, with a major in Machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence (Macadamia). Daolang’s work focuses on amortized inference with applications to various Bayesian inference tasks. In his spare time, he is also an electronic music producer, mainly producing house music.

Click here to see my latest CV (last update: February 2025).

Research interests: amortized inference, simulation-based inference, Bayesian optimization, Bayesian experimental design, meta-learning, neural processes.
